Process Evaluation of Adolescent Girls Initiative (AGI-K) Program in Kibera-Nairobi, Kenya

The Adolescent Girls Initiative Kenya (AGI-K) program is built on the above insights and aims to understand what combinations of interventions provide the best solutions for adolescent girls in Kibera and Wajir. The program targets approximately 6,000 adolescent girls aged between 11 and 14 years

The AGI-K program was implemented by a consortium led by the Population Council. Other members include the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) as research partner, Save the Children as implementing partner in Wajir, Plan International as implementing partner in Nairobi slums, and Itad as consultant on the cost-effectiveness analysis. The program is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). AGI-K Interventions ran for two years and were tailored to include a combination of girl, household and community level interventions.